Yesterday was a lot of fun, it was the first time for Yuriko and our friend and I to do Design Festa and I think we will do the next one too, maybe both days next year. Many people stopped by and liked what we did, Yuriko did some paintings and drawings and made some really cool eyeball hairbands for her project Creepy Crafts she has been wanting to start. With both our work schedules its been hard to get as much done as we wanted too, but we will start now for the next time! I did a few customs but nothing to sell, I will keep most and a few will be gifts for friends, I just wanted to see if people liked what I did and people were happy, this isnt exactly a kaiju event but it was cool when the guys my age were excited and the all the young girls seeing some funny gaijin that like japanese monsters was cool too.
Our friend Takami Tomotoshi shared the booth with us too, he is most known here for being a long time manga artist but probably not known at all in the US. But for this event he did not use his regular name, this time all the things he made were about cats! He loves kittens too so most of our booth was cats and kaiju!!! The collages and shoes he did were awesome! Actually, I ended taking home one of the collages. :) He is a great artist and a super funny guy. I an going to write more about him later, I think people outside Japan would love to see what he has done!
M1GO Kumo Danshaku
13 years ago